2024 NOF General assembly minutes
Posted 12/17/2024
Date: September 12, 2024 Time: 12:30-13:30 (CET time)
On-site location: Room E/F, International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG), Rue de Varembé 17,
1202 Genève, Switzerland
Attendees: List of attendees is given separately
General assembly (GA) was opened at 12.30 (CET) by president Ülle Voog-Oras.
- Election of Chairperson, Secretary and Tellers
Ulf Örtengren was elected to chair the assembly and Ulvi Gürsoy to take the minutes. Marit Øilo and Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay were voted as tellers.
- Approval of the General Assembly being duly notified and of the agenda
Invitation for the 2024 IADR NOF General Assembly was sent to NOF members by email and published on webpage on July 29, 2024. The agenda was accepted.
- Annual report of the Board of the Association
Ülle Voog-Oras presented the report. The GA was informed that 1) NOF finalized the revision of its Bylaws during 2023 and revised Bylaws were approved at the extraordinary general assembly of NOF on December 4, 2023, 2) Icelandic representative of NOF Board, Lára Hólm Heimisdóttir, stepped down in May 2024 due to the reason that there are too few members from Iceland to have a representative on the board, 3) term of the current EJOS editor-in-chief Vibeke Bælum is ending at the end of 2025 and the procedures to assign a new EIC is already started, 4) preparations for the 2027 PER meeting in Riga is continuing, and 5) preparations of the 2nd IADR NOF Baltic Meeting in Oral Health Science & Technology, which will take place in Tartu, Estonia, is finalized and will be announced very soon.
The report was approved.
The GA asked if students have equal voting rights with ordinary members and if reimbursement of annual membership fee terminates the student membership. Secretary general answered that all members have equal voting rights and reimbursement of student membership fee by NOF does not terminate student’s membership.
- Councillors’ report
Peter Lingström presented the report and informed the GA that 1) IADR Councillor’s meeting was held in New Orleans on March 12, 2024, and Peter and Ülle represented NOF, 2) Council approved the following nominees to stand for election for IADR Vice-president 2025-2026: Raul Garcia (AADOCR), Mutlu Özcan (CED) and Alastair Sloan (ANZ Division), 3) the IADR and AADOCR Board have jointly requested the creation of a task force in order to draft a policy statement that will govern how the association should deal with abstracts and manuscripts which are funded by tobacco companies, 4) a revision of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the relationship of the IADR and the AADOCR was presented and approved, 5) Tuula Salo, University of Helsinki, Finland received the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award, Oral Medicine & Pathology Research and Pirkko Pussinen, University of Helsinki, Finland received the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award, Research in Oral Biology.
Report was approved.
- Accounts
- a) Accounts of the Journal
Accounts of the Journal for 2023 was presented by Vibeke Bælum. The GA was informed that the finances of the journal are satisfactory, 1) subscription and non-subscription incomes increased, 3) production costs increased, 4) fee to Wiley decreased. Overall, the result is stable in NOF.
Accounts of the journal were approved by the GA.
- b) Accounts of the division
Accounts of the division were sent to all members by email a day before the GA. Accounts of the division and the annual report of 2022 was presented by Carolina Sabel. The GA was informed that the number of members for the year 2023 was 204, which was 21 members more than 2022. Nina informed that there are sufficient number of investments, including funds, in the bank accounts.
The accounts of the division and the annual report of 2023 were approved by the GA.
- Budget for the coming year
The board proposed that there will be no change in the membership dues for the year 2025. The board also proposed to support student members by reimbursing their IADR/NOF annual membership and congress registration fees, and pay travel grants for 2025, if they participate to the 2025 CED/NOF congress with an oral or poster presentation.
Budget proposal for 2025 was approved by the GA.
- 2025 Tartu and 2027 Riga
The GA was informed that the preparations for the 2027 PER meeting in Riga are ongoing and the 2025 Tartu meeting will be announced very soon.
- Elections
The board proposed to the GA 1) that the current Estonian, Finnish, and Lithuanian representatives will serve for a second period, 2) to extend the period of Ilze as member of Latvia for the years 2025-2029 as she will chair the 2027 PER meeting in Riga, and 3) propose Kostas Bougas as representative of Sweden and Marit Øilo as representative of Norway for the term 2025-2029.
The GA approved the board’s proposals.
- Time and Place of future Annual Meetings
June 25-28, IADR General Session, Barcelona, Spain
March 25-28, IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA
September 24-26, CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
September 16-18, PER-IADR meeting in Riga, Latvia
June 23-26, IADR General Session, Melbourne, Australia
Board informed the GA that the 2025 GA will be organized in junction with the IADR Barcelona meeting.
- NOF Hatton award
Gunhild Strand presented the NOF Hatton Award announcement, application, and competition procedures for the year 2024 to the GA. She informed that the 2024 winners will be announced at the opening ceremony of the meeting.
- Any Other Business
No other business.
Ulvi Gursoy was taking the minutes.
Marit Øilo (Teller) Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay (Teller)
Ulf Örtengren (Chair) Ülle Voog-Oras (President)